I was first introduced to nursing in the 6th grade. My classmate’s mother was a Registered Nurse and worked in community health. She was nurturing, kind, and compassionate to everyone. Her personality inspired me. While in high school, I was also inspired by the school Nurse, with whom I had a special bond. She discussed the satisfaction and commitments required along with requirements needed and from those conversations, I set a goal to become a nurse.
The journey was difficult. After graduating from high school, I became a single parent at the age of 19. Being a single mom temporarily delayed my education but I was determined. I worked full-time and attended school part time. At the age of 21 I enlisted in the United States Army. While in the Army, I continued taking prerequisite courses towards a nursing degree. I completed three years in the Army and became a military spouse and had three more children. During that time, I worked and attended school full-time. Being a wife, mother, and student brought about financial difficulties and time limitations. I had to find energy and motivation to effectively balance family, work, and school.
I completed a diploma program in practical nursing, and became a Licensed Practical Nurse. I worked full-time as an LPN while pursuing an Associate Degree in Nursing. After completing the associate degree program, I earned a Registered Nursing License. I worked full-time as a nurse while earning both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in nursing.
After completing my degrees, I commissioned in the United States Air Force. I continue to face the challenge of balancing family and work. In life, Continue to pursue your goals! Do not let time, money, or age extinguish your dreams. These challenges did not prevent me for serving as a Major and Registered Nurse in the United States Air Force.