I – Background Check Requirements
A.Policy: All FOY board members, STAR mentors and volunteers must complete a background check without exception.
B.Required Screenings/Resources/Screenings:
a.External Volunteers/Mentors
i.Screening for Criminal Activity (i.e, DUI, Assault, Child/Sex Offenders, Felony)
ii.Three References (Previous Employer or Friend, Community Leader, Family Member)
b.FOY Board of Directors/FOY STAR Mentors/Volunteers (Internal)
i.Screenings are required for all FOY associates ii.Screenings will be conducted at initial employment, every two years and at random
II – Mentorship Key Info
A.Process. Mentors and Mentees will be assigned as a match based on background, interest and desired objective.
B.Training. Mentors will receive a one-hour orientation training on the mission, vision, and foundation principles of FOY, to include a Mentoring 101 lesson.
C.Mentor/Mentee Relationship. The Mentor/Mentee Relationship will occur in 90 day, 120 day, 180 day or 365 day increments. However, all mentors and mentees must commit to 365 days in the program. Mentors may be matched with different mentees throughout the year. For example, Mentor A may have 180-day mentoring relationship with Mentee A from January through June and a 180-day mentoring relationship with Mentee B from July through December.
D.Mentors. Each mentor will provide a quarterly update as a status check using the form to be provided. Forms will be submitted to the mentorship leads.
E.Mentees. a.Ages – 10 – 18 years old. Every child will have a mentor!
b.Terms for participation is for one calendar year. FOY reserves the right to terminate mentoring relationships. An initial suspension warning will be provided to the mentor or mentee with a timeframe to correct behavior. The mentor and mentee will have 30 days to improve. For example, a relationship may be terminated if mentee has not responded to mentor in three months. Or, mentor has not produced their quarterly reports. If a response is received after the warning has been provided, then the relationship continues. If not, the relationship will be terminated. Reason for termination will be provided. Note: If youth turns 19 while still in their senior year of high school, they may continue in program until their high school graduation.
c.Categorized Mentees. i.At-Risk ii.Single-Parent iii.Low-Income
F. Expectations.
100% Engagement is expected. The children are our future and are partnered with mentors to assist in personal development.
G.Application Process. Mentors and mentees will complete the application process to be considered for mentorship. A decision on acceptance will be provided to the applicant within 30 days after submission. The mentoring chairperson will present the applicants to the FOY board during the monthly meeting and make decisions. The president or mentoring chairperson will notify applicants of decision.
H.Follow-up & Accountability. Mentors are expected to maintain consistent follow-up and accountability. Each mentor and youth have unique backgrounds. Understand the value of diversity and inclusion. Together, everyone is better.
I.Release Liability Form/Photo for Parents. FOY will ensure the mentee’s parents complete a liability form. FOY will ensure photos of each FOY board member, FOY STAR mentors, and volunteer are available on the FOY website.
J.Rules of Engagement/Guidelines
a.Do/Don’t for FOY STAR Mentors i.Professional Relationships only. Professional relationships are defined as...an ongoing interaction between two people that observes a set of established boundaries or limits that is deemed appropriate under governing ethical standards. (https://www.reference.com/business.../professional-relationship-5d2d62d08b51f875)
ii.Unprofessional Relationships are not allowed. Unprofessional relationships are those considered unethical, immoral or illegal.
iii.NO inappropriate relationships will be tolerated. Criminal activity will be reported to law officials.
b.Mentees. Contact mentor for guidance on academics, social issues, bullying, and peer pressure.
c.Parents. Be involved in the mentoring process and let your child’s mentor know how FOY can support. Be empowered to address any concerns. A child’s well-being and growth is dependent upon their home environment. FOY is established to assist with developing the children, who are the future leaders.
III – Mentorship Tier. The purpose of the mentorship tier is to assist mentees to identify potential mentoring relationships from individuals at various professional levels.
Objectives: To deepen student exposure through experience, life lessons, career fairs, etc.
High School Students – Grades 10-12 – Mentee Category
Assigned to seasoned mentor.
Will develop a personal development plan each year of high school to prepare for the future
Will participate in a virtual career fair once a year. Led by FOY Mentoring
Seniors are eligible to apply for annual scholarship
All Mentees.
Will receive exposure to most professions and be developed to ensure model citizenship
Will receive character training throughout mentoring process
Will receive etiquette training through mentoring process
Most mentoring will be generalized to the following:
Life Skills
School Involvement
Parents 1:1 Meetings
Community Service
Gifts Identification
*Criteria for Mentoring
To become a FOY STAR mentor, aspiring mentors must submit an application, provide references, participate in a virtual interview, and pass a background check.
Mentors must commit to guidelines above and comply with standards established by FOY.
*Criteria for Volunteers
To become a FOY volunteer, volunteers must participate in a background check if working directly with children. No exceptions.
Volunteers will support with service projects and other events. Matches are based on interviews, similar interests, comfort level, region, and past experience in volunteering combined with the child’s needs.
IV – Terms.
Each mentor and mentee will sign a terms of agreement to ensure a beneficial relationship. A parent or guardian signature will be captured with each mentee’s application.