FOY Mentorship Guidelines
To become a mentor with Fostering Our Youth, Inc., aspiring mentors must submit an application, participate in a virtual interview, and pass a background check. Mentors must commit to guidelines below and comply with standards established by Fostering Our Youth, Inc.
Each mentor and mentee will sign a term of agreement to ensure each party gets the most valuable experience out of the mentorship program. Caregivers are a vital part to the success of the child. For this reason, caregivers will also review and sign all documents.
Step 1 - Complete Background Check Requirements
A. Policy: All Fostering Our Youth mentor volunteers must complete a background check without exception.
B. Required Screenings/Resources:
FOY will use info from mentor application form to run background check using Protect My Ministry Background Check Services (Login - Ministry Mobilizer (
FOY will pay for each applicant’s background check ($15)
i. Screening for criminal activity (i.e., DUI, Assault, Child/Sex Offenders, Felony)
Step 2 - Mentor Selection/Training Notification
A decision on acceptance will be provided to the applicant within 30 days after submission. The mentoring chairperson will present the applicants to the FOY board during the monthly meeting and make decisions. The president or mentoring chairperson will notify applicants of decision via email. The email will also contain information on mandatory mentor training, mentor contract, and mentor guidelines required prior to becoming a mentor.
Step 3 - Being Assigned a Mentee
A. Once mentors complete the application process and complete all FOY mentor prerequisites listed above, they will be assigned a mentee based on background, interest and desired objective.
B. Mentor/Mentee Relationship: The Mentor/Mentee relationship will occur for six months, with an expectation of meeting at least twice a month virtually or in person. Based on the four competencies, two 1-hour Zoom meetings will be hosted each month to cover the competency topics. We understand everyone's time is valuable, but to get the most out of the mentoring program and also respect the time that the meeting hosts are dedicating, the expectation is that the mentor and mentee will commit to attending both monthly meetings over the six months duration of the program.
We understand that mentees don’t always show. This will not be the fault of the mentor. Our mentees are adolescents, ages 13-17 years of age. If a mentor has made contact without response from the mentee or their caregiver(s) for three consecutive months, the mentor reserves the right to terminate the relationship.
i. For example, a relationship may be terminated if mentee has not responded to mentor in three months. If a response is received after the warning has been provided, then the relationship continues. If not, the relationship will be terminated. Reason for termination will be provided. Note: If a youth turns 19 while still in their senior year of high school, they may continue in the program until their high school graduation.
C. Code of Ethics:
The mentor will:
i.Maintain high personal and professional standards in the capacity of a mentor with Fostering Our Youth, Inc.
ii. Not discriminate against any mentee, mentor, staff, volunteers, or other members of the public on the basis of age, gender, sexual orientation, race, national origin, religious belief, or sexual orientation.
iii. Not use their position to secure any special privileges or advantages from the mentee or the mentee’s family members
iv. Notify mentorship staff of the conduct of any mentor, staff member or professional that constitutes mistreatment of a mentee or that brings shame to Fostering Our Youth, Inc.
v. Notify mentorship staff immediately if charged, arrested, and/or convicted of any criminal activity.
vi. Notify mentorship staff of any conflict of interest that prevents oneself from being able to provide competent services to the mentee, or from working cooperatively with other mentors or staff/professionals, or from being impartial in the mentorship of a mentee.
vii. Foster maximum self-determination of the mentee
viii. Report all instances of child maltreatment to the competent authorities. If the mentor is unsure as to whether or not the instance meets the level of child maltreatment, they will report to mentorship staff for consultation.
ix. Seek and maintain proficiency to be able to provide quality mentorship to mentee
x. Not befriend mentee(s) on social media or exchange private information with a mentee.
xi. Not engage in any inappropriate conduct with the mentee to include, but not limited to: attending personal gatherings at the mentees home, inviting the mentee over to a personal residence, engaging in sexual acts with the mentee, soliciting the mentee for any reason.
xii. Engage caregivers in the mentor/mentee relationship. Invite them to be partners within the growth of their mentor and facilitate a positive relationship
xiii. If the roles and responsibilities are not adhered to or if there is a violation of the code of conduct Fostering Our Youth reserves the right to terminate the mentor and the mentor-mentee relationship. Disciplinary actions, as follows:
xiv. An initial suspension warning will be provided to the mentor or mentee with a timeframe to correct behavior.